Mixed Fraction to Decimals Calculator

This mixed fraction to decimal calculator allows you to convert mixed fractions to decimals quickly and easily. Instead of having to manually convert mixed fractions to decimal, you can simply enter the mixed fraction into the calculator, and it will automatically calculate the decimal equivalent.

Find what the decimal equivalent of a mixed fraction is. For example what is the decimal equivalent of 1 and 1/3?

How to convert a mixed fraction to a decimal

To convert a mixed fraction to a decimal, you can follow these steps:

Convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number by the denominator and adding the numerator as the new numerator, while keeping the original denominator. For example, to convert 3 1/4 to an improper fraction:

3 1/4 = (3 * 4) + 1 / 4 = 13/4

Divide the numerator by the denominator to get the decimal equivalent. For example:

13 divided by 4 = 3.25

Therefore, 3 1/4 as a decimal is 3.25.

This method only works for proper mixed fractions (where the absolute value of the fraction is less than 1), since improper mixed fractions can be converted directly to a decimal without first converting to an improper fraction. Additionally, if the decimal has repeating digits, it's usually best to round to a certain number of decimal places to avoid excessive rounding errors.

How to convert fraction to decimal without calculator

To convert a fraction to a decimal without a calculator, you can divide the numerator by the denominator using long division or short division methods. Here are the steps:

Write the fraction as a division problem: numerator divided by the denominator.

Perform the division, starting with the first digit of the numerator.

If the result is not a whole number, add a decimal point and continue the division with the next digit of the numerator, adding zeros to the right if necessary

Continue the division until you reach the desired level of accuracy. For example, to convert 3/4 to a decimal:

3 divided by 4 = 0 remainder 3

Add a decimal point and continue:

30 divided by 4 = 7 remainder 2

Add another decimal point and continue:

20 divided by 4 = 5

Therefore, 3/4 as a decimal is 0.75.

Some fractions cannot be expressed as a finite decimal (e.g. 1/3, which repeats as 0.3333...). In such cases, you can use a repeating decimal notation or convert to a mixed number or fraction.