Percent of a number calculator

This percent of a number calculator finds what a given percent of a number is. It can be used to quickly and easily determine the value of a specific percentage of a given number.

To use the calculator, you input the number you want to find the percentage of and the percentage you want to find. The calculator will then perform the calculation and give you the result.

For example, if you want to find 25% of 50, you would input 25 as the percentage and 50 as the number. The calculator would then perform the calculation and give you the result, which is 12.5 (25% of 50 is 12.5).

Find what a given percent of a number is. For example - what is 20% of 100? Please enter the percentage in the first field and the number you would like the percentage of in the second field.

Please enter the percentage in the first field and the number you would like the percentage of in the second field.

How you you find the percentage or subset of a total?

If you know the total quantity and the percent but don't know what the percent of the total it represents, you can work out the missing number. To do this, first convert the percent to a decimal by dividing it by 100. For instance, 20 percent is equal to .20. Then multiply this by the total number. The result will be your amount of the total number the percentage represents.

For example, if you know that 60 percent of the students in you year passed the test and you also know that there are 200 students in your year. Then to find how many srudents have passed, convert 60 percent to a decimal and multiply it by 200. The decimal form of 60 is 60 ÷ 100, or 0.6. So to find the number of students, multiply 0.6 by 200.


The calculation is 0.6 × 200 = 120.


So, 120 students passed the test.