Hexadecimal subtraction calculator

This hexadecimal subtraction calculator performs subtraction operations on hexadecimal numbers. Hexadecimal is a numeral system with a base of 16, where the digits are represented by the symbols 0-9 and A-F. The calculator accepts two hexadecimal numbers as inputs and outputs the result of their subtraction in hexadecimal format. It works similarly to a decimal subtraction calculator, but with hexadecimal numbers and symbols.

How to subtract hexadecimal numbers

Hexadecimal subtraction is performed in the same way as decimal subtraction, with the difference being that instead of carrying a 10-based numeral system, you carry a 16-based numeral system. The steps to perform hexadecimal subtraction are:

  1. Line up the two hexadecimal numbers so that their least significant digits are aligned.
  2. Start from the rightmost digit and subtract the corresponding digits in each number.
  3. If the result of a subtraction is negative, borrow 16 from the next digit to the left.
  4. Repeat the process for each digit to the left until you have subtracted all the digits.

Example 1: Subtract FF from 100

- FF

Example 2: Subtract 7F from C0

- 7F

It is important to keep in mind that in hexadecimal arithmetic, the base is 16, so the difference between 9 and 0 is 7, between F and 0 is F, and between F and A is 5.